November 14 - 16, 2021

3-days of transforming the way you see, speak to, and treat your body.


What’s included?

  • Daily live workshops with me. You will be able to watch these later in the day if you can’t make the live viewing. For those who do not have Facebook, recordings will be sent via e-mail each day.

  • Exercises and meaningful journal prompts that are going to blow your mind

  • A private Facebook community for more empowerment and guidance

We have been brainwashed to believe that we are not enough. You’re either too loud or not loud enough. You’re too tall or not tall enough. You’re too flat or too curvy. You have a really pretty face, if only you would…

Like there’s some perfect mold of the perfect woman and you have to squeeze, squash, stretch, and strain to fit yourself into it.

It’s time to let go of the brainwashing and step into our incredible power.

You are enough just the way you are.

How you feel about yourself affects every corner of your life. Your physical health, relationships, family dynamics, the amount of money you earn. Everything.

Stop letting your beliefs limit you from being your true self.

Upgrade Your Experience

Mindfulness and meditation has been a lifesaver for me on my self-love journey.

So I’ve created a unique audio meditation bundle for you, focused on improving body image and self-worth!

If you want to maximize your results from this FREE masterclass, you can upgrade your experience for just $8 and you’ll receive these incredible meditations that will help you reprogram your mind as it pertains to diet culture and the way you see your body.

Combine these audios with the tools you will learn in the 3-day masterclass, and you’ll be on the fast track to feeling more confident in your skin.

No, thanks! I just want the free 3-day masterclass.

“Just taking your free course changed my life. I started moving more, eating healthier, and carving out time just for me. It helped me finally believe that I am worthy of self-care.”