6 Perfect Stretches for your Boudoir Session with Tova Eastman

When you book your boudoir session, these 6 stretches are PERFECT for maximizing your flexibility and looking sexy in your pictures. My clients will often say, "Wow, I didn't realize what a work-out that was going to be," when their session is over, and I always joke that exercise is just another advantage of boudoir. 

But really. I'll be helping you pose in a hundred different ways that are flattering for your body, and the more flexible you are, the more poses you'll be able to do with ease.

I asked Tova Eastman, my amazing personal trainer, what she thinks are the most important stretches that my clients should do leading up to their session. If I learned anything from her over the past 6 months, stretching correctly and often is at the top of the list. I can almost hear her voice telling me to count to 30 before going to the next stretch! 

"Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage." -Harvard.edu 

Beyond boudoir sessions, gaining flexibility and mobility through stretching can truly improve your quality of life!

So drink a glass of water, get some comfy pants on, and let's stretch!

1. Cat-cow

For spine flexibility.

Cat-cow will help you in poses where you arch your back. I happen to be a big fan of back arching...

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2. Standing Lower Back Twist

Deep stretch for your Latissimus Dorsi. 

During any kind of back arching pose, this stretch is going to help you avoid lower back strain.

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3. Tree-Pose

For opening up your chest and helping with posture.

Tree-Pose is going to give you a beautiful, strong, and poised look for chest opening and over the shoulder poses.

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4. Spinal Twist

For lower back flexibility and mobility.

In addition to overall flexibility, this stretch helps a lot with twisting poses that can look really cool in boudoir sessions...

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5. Downward Facing Dog

Deep calf and hamstring stretch (along with the entire back of your body).

Downward facing dog is great for any leg extending or bending over poses.

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6. Pigeon Pose

Hip opener for hip flexibility and mobility.

Tova Eastman Boudoir Stretch

Pigeon Pose is going to give you flexibility in your hips and glutes. No explanation needed!

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If you have any questions about these stretches or what other things you can do to prepare for your boudoir session, do not hesitate to shoot me an e-mail at rebecca@rebeccasigala.com! 

A special thank you to the incredible Tova Eastman at Ignite Fitness Training

Best of Boudoir in 2017

Looking back on the best boudoir memories of 2017, I can't believe that there were so many incredible moments packed into just one year. Then, when I think about when I first started my boudoir photography business 4 1/2 years ago, the memories only multiply, and I'm left feeling nothing but grateful.

Boudoir has been a journey of self-discovery. It's been a rollercoaster ride from desperation and tears to moments of sheer joy and revelation.

I remember when I first started, without a car, carrying my photography equipment across the country on public transportation. My dear friend and makeup artist, Cassy Avraham, and I would travel hours on Egged buses for just one boudoir client. In hindsight, it did give us time to think and breathe, to dream and plan together.

I would never have thought that only a short time later, I'd live in a beautiful home that I would be able to transform into a boudoir studio. I would have never thought that I'd facilitate a Facebook group and community of over 3,600 women or be flown to Europe to speak about self-love. I would have never thought I'd be written about in The Guardian or BBC News or what a controversy it would cause, even among some famous public figures.

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The most transformative moments were the quieter ones. They happened in the bedrooms of my clients, in my boudoir studio, in randomly beautiful outdoor spaces. It is a real gift to be able to see so many women connect to their bodies, rekindle their sexuality and take enormous steps towards loving and accepting who they are. 

"Watch carefully what happens when you give someone just enough comfort to be themselves."


While the majority of my boudoir clients choose to keep their sessions private, here are some of my favorites from the images I was allowed to share...

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After a recent boudoir session, my client wrote this gorgeous poem that resonated with me.

"My body is a temple.
It is my home.
My body bore children and endured loss...

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My body has been loved and touched, cuddled, and embraced.
I depend on my body to create and to explore this world, I nurture and invest in my body, because I want to live my life strong happy and healthy for as long as God allows me to...

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I love my body because it is me! And I love me.

Love yourself. Love others. And be loved."

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I'm so grateful to my clients who have bared their bellies and their souls. Who have gone on this journey of self-discovery with me. While it's endlessly therapeautic, I think we had A LOT of fun in the process.

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Thank you to my team; the makeup artists, hair stylists, film labs, florists, designers and printing houses who have all been tremendous contributors and partners in creating beautiful art with me. To have professionals that I love working with and whom I can trust is priceless. 

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"Photography makes one conscious of beauty everywhere, even in the simplest things, even in what is often considered commonplace. Yet nothing is really 'ordinary,' for every fragment of the world is crowned with wonder and mystery, and a great and surprising beauty." -Alvin Langdon Coburn

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This self-portrait is everything...

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Last summer, I traveled to New York City just for my boudoir clients, and it was absolutely amazing. It's a city that made me feel alive in a different kind of way...

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I don't often photograph couples, but when I do, you know that they are special...

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Something I love about boudoir is that it can translate to all stages in our life and celebrates our femininity not only through our bodies, but through the stories that we carry with us.

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What's my favorite photograph? Maybe the one I'll take tomorrow.

For now, I'll be cherishing the experiences and photographs that came from 2017.

Lastly, but certainly not least, thank you to my biggest fan, my greatest support, and love of my life. Yehoshua, I could not have accomplished what I have so far without your unconditional love and encouragement. You are not only an inspiration to me as a person, but as a photographer and artist as well. To be able to share a passion for photography with you is one of the sweetest blessings. 

Hello, 2018. Let's rock and roll. 

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Shoutout to all of you who have made this year possible!

Film Lab - Panda Labs

Makeup and Hair Stylists

Cassy Avraham

Jaquelyn Mowszowski Lawrence

Lia Ciner

Sheldon T. Bruck

Rhonda Lev

Sarah Appel

Leah Neppe

Dana Kaplan

Katy Taurel

Louise Lerman

Designers & Florists

Sara Winter - Florist

Haim Shushan - Graphic Design & Branding

Marina Valery - Wedding Gown & Lingerie Designer

Petit Pois - Lingerie 

Lifestyle Influencers

Noa Elharar

Leann Lev

Yael Kimmelman - Life by B