Self-Love is Possible : Boudoir Session

For as long as I can remember my most demanding relationship has been the one with my body. It has gone from sworn enemy, to icy détente, spent a while at “it’s complicated” and then finally began to move toward full acceptance, with some possible sparks of self love. It was at this point in my journey that I decided to do a boudoir session with Rebecca…”

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“I had made a decision long ago to not let my body size hold me back from the things I wanted to do, but the confidence I showed on the outside did not necessarily reflect how I felt about myself inside. I had a big birthday coming up, and something pulled me toward this idea, even if I wasn’t totally comfortable with it.”

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“When I reached out to Rebecca she immediately put me at ease and got me so excited for the process. Her genuine desire to uncover the beauty in all bodies was infectious, and I secretly hoped that this photo shoot would bring my relationship with my body to the next level. I was cautiously optimistic, but also terribly afraid. After this investment of time, money and vulnerability, I might be left with pictures that I hated and have photographic proof that the way most of the world sees fat bodies is the way I should see my own body: as something to be covered up and denied, not something to be celebrated and displayed.”

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“The day of the shoot came and I enjoyed every moment of it. Rebecca helped me feel so at home in myself, and that experience alone was incredibly healing. When I finally saw the pictures I was speechless, almost in shock at first, about what I was seeing, and then slowly these feelings of love and joy washed over me. To see myself in this raw way, and be so happy with what I saw, I never could have imagined it even a few years ago. I now celebrate these photos as evidence of all the work I’ve put into this very challenging but significant relationship in my life, and I can honestly say now that self-love is possible for any body.”

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