Beauty from a Different Era | Boudoir with Rachel

On a calm, beautiful morning in my studio, I drank my morning coffee and awaited Rachel's arrival from Netanya for her very first boudoir experience. When she walked in the door and sat down for her and makeup, I felt like I was hanging out with an old friend. It probably helped that we had a lot of friends and colleagues in common!

During her consultation and now, after her full experience, Rachel so beautifully expressed her reasons for wanting to do a boudoir session at this time in her young adult life. 

I came to my boudoir session hoping to see myself through a new lens. Intellectually, I know I’m beautiful. But I’ve never understood what it meant to feel sexy. That’s part of what brought me to my session-to be able to see myself in that light, even if just through photos.
— Rachel

Rhonda and I were so excited that she wanted a dramatic look. With boudoir sessions, people generally tend to stay on the natural side with their makeup and hair looks, so it was fun to do something different this time. As her makeup was being applied, there was an inner light that began to glow and her classically beautiful features were shining through even more. 

I gave Rachel a look that had a smokey, sexy feel intertwined with inspiration from the 1930’s classic beauty trends. It just suited her features, personality and wardrobe perfectly.
— Rhonda Lev
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During the moments leading up to the session, Rachel felt beautiful in her own skin.

I experienced not just seeing myself as sexy, but I actually felt pretty. I felt beautiful. Not because I was made up. Not because I was the subject of a photo shoot. But just because I was coming to a place as myself and for the first time really saw all of my features: my eyes, my cheek bones, my skin, my lips. And that was all before the photography even started! Just looking in the mirror in Rebecca’s living room was transformative in and of itself.
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In the days leading up to the shoot, I was pretty nervous. I had made my appointment in a moment of bold decisiveness. One which didn’t last all that long!

I didn’t want to backtrack on it, but I didn’t feel as confident as I had when I decided to do the shoot.

After I arrived at Rebecca’s studio and got my makeup done, I felt more comfortable and was ready to have a great time.

Off came the clothes and in came the self conscious voice. What if the angles aren’t flattering, I thought. Or what if actually my body is just...ugh? And the voice wouldn’t stop!
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At a certain point, I can’t remember if it’s when I noticed the beauty of the light radiating through the curtains, or maybe getting lost in a melody of the background music, I tapped into my inner self and realized the negative voice from earlier wasn’t me.
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I had such an amazing time photographing Rachel and getting "lost" with her as we navigated through her boudoir experience. I always say this, but I can't tell you enough what an honor and privilege it is to be allowed into the intimate worlds of my clients. This session was just another testament to why I do what I do every day. 

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Hair and Makeup by Rhonda Lev

Cozy Haven in Tel Aviv | Maternity Boudoir : Adva

This maternity boudoir session brought me to a sweet and beautifully designed home in a quiet, Tel Aviv neighborhood. Adva was in her 38th week of pregnancy when she contacted me, so we really only had less than a week to get everything together! Generally I like to have more time to prepare with my clients, but in this case, I think that our trust and connection was so perfect from the beginning.

Adva's session couldn't have turned out better or more beautiful.

This was her third pregnancy, and very possibly her last, so it was especially meaningful to document this magical time right before her beautiful baby was born. 

When we walked in, I immediately gushed over Adva's bohemian, modern and eclectic style. I loved that we were able to use her home as a unique setting for her session. She happens to be an incredibly talented interior designer, and the talented part goes without saying!

Over coffee, a delicious cheese platter and fresh fruit, we chatted about life and motherhood, and about the way her world was about to change in just a few days. I always find the preparation time to be so relaxing and an opportunity to connect with my clients on a deeper level. It was really fun to have Rhonda Lev, one of my makeup artists and hair stylists, along with me on the day of. She created a natural and luminous look for Adva that left her feeling a little glamorous, but completely like herself. 

In my eyes, Adva is a total queen, with this modest confidence and a generous heart. Here are some of my favorites from her maternity session this Autumn...

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There's honestly nothing sexier than a cozy sweater over lingerie!

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I love how the film captures the light coming through her bedroom window. This has to be one of my favorite images from this series...

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Often times my clients will use clothing for part of their boudoir sessions. I think this white, boho dress was a perfect fit for Adva's style and a lovely addition to our shoot. Someone told me that collarbones are the new cleavage. I definitely resonate with that here! :)

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One of the best parts of my job is celebrating the lives of so many amazing women. It was truly an honor to have photographed Adva during the last moments of her pregnancy, and it was incredible to receive a text message with a gorgeous baby when he was born!

Mazal Tov, beautiful Adva. 

5 Reasons to do a Maternity Boudoir Session

Maternity boudoir sessions truly hold a special place in my heart as I see pregnancy as a miraculous time in a woman's life. I have photographed many women in Israel and around the world who have tried and tried to conceive, after fertility treatments that leave them feeling disconnected from their bodies.

I now appreciate the gift of pregnancy in a new light.

As women, it is one of the most beautiful experiences to have, if we are open to it. I think it is an amazing gift to be able to take part in the creation of humankind. 

Makeup and hair by Rhonda Lev

Makeup and hair by Rhonda Lev

I know you're feeling tired and nauseous, and you may feel like the last thing you want to do is be photographed, but ladies, hear me out. Below are 5 INCREDIBLE reasons to do a maternity boudoir session...

1. Your pregnancy glow ain't no lie. 

As you probably know, pregnant women experience dramatic increases of estrogen and progesterone.

Makeup and hair by Cassy Avraham

Makeup and hair by Cassy Avraham

That means many things AND different things for every woman.

It can also mean your hair is growing in thicker and more beautiful than it has in the past. Your breasts are fuller, your hips are rounder, your butt is bigger. You are radiating that magical glow as you grow a little human inside of you. 

You might not believe me, but you are BEAUTIFUL.

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Doing a boudoir session is a perfect way to celebrate and embrace these changes in your body as they are happening. (Even some of the changes we might find harder to accept!)

2. You deserve it.

Boudoir sessions are all about relaxation, getting your makeup and hair professionally done and feeling connected to your body.

You will be pampered like a celebrity for the day.

Even leading up to the session is an opportunity to get things like a manicure or a facial. For once, this is all for you and all about you! 

Whether this is your first baby or your third, we're all working hard every single day. It's important to take a tiny pause and recognize everything you do for your family and the world at large. For goodness sakes, you're creating a human being!

Makeup and hair by Cassy Avraham

Makeup and hair by Cassy Avraham

Do this for just for you and see how positively it will affect your life. 

3. This time will never come again.

You may have another pregnancy in the future, but you will never have THIS pregnancy. Your experience is uniquely yours as you go through the ups and downs of 40 crazy weeks. 

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It's hard to imagine a time when you won't clearly remember the first ultrasound or the little kicks that connect you to the miracle inside of you. It will probably be difficult to remember the changes in your body and the beauty of this time, which is full of anticipation. 

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Hair and Makeup by Beauty By Rhonda

“Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.”

 E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web

Beautiful, professional photographs give you a tangible reminder of your pregnancy, even years down the line. If you decide to order a keepsake album, you can tuck it away for a rainy day.

I promise you that it will put a smile on your face. 

4. How you see yourself is important. Always. 

I could go on a huge body image and self-love rant, but I think I'll leave you with what my client said so beautifully.

"In our modern day culture, we are generally told skinny is the way to go. Then all of a sudden you are pregnant and are supposed to be gaining weight for the health of your unborn child, and for me, it's hard to be ok with that.

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You are also going through so many physical and emotional changes, and you don't always feel like yourself or even feel good. So I wanted to

fall in love with my body again,

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after my last session with Rebecca (not pregnant), I felt amazing like I could do anything. Now post two boudoir sessions, I know I have a beautiful and amazing body no matter what society says." -Z

5. You will find strength in leaving your comfort zone.

Everyone is always waiting for the perfect time to do their session. When they feel like they've reached their fitness goals or when they move into their new house or whatever it may be. It's really easy to let time slip away from us, and we don't know what the future holds.

I love the idea of stepping out of our comfort zones in the present moment, in order to grow as a person. I have seen it so many times with myself and my clients, and it feels SO good. It's empowering and sometimes life-changing. Entering a new stage in your life is a good time to gift ourselves a little more self-lovin' and inner peace!

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Quoted from another incredible maternity client of mine, "It gave me a huge confidence boost. I was not as fat as I thought or as unattractive. I was actually pretty. Even coming out of the session was empowering. I was way out of my comfort zone, and yet I still did it and looking at the pictures, you cant tell!"


I generally recommend that my clients do their maternity boudoir session between 6-8 months depending on their personal experience and how they are feeling.

If you're expecting and this is something you're interested in, contact me now to discuss more!